Busy Times!

We have been busy around here for sure!  Our nephew is visiting while his parents are in Cannes....yes, Cannes.  They are at the film festival no less!  My brother in law is a film editor and his movie, The Big Fix, is to be specially screened tonight.  It is about the Gulf oil spill and the lies the media and government told us.   (Josh Tickell, the director,  is also the man behind the movie, Fuel which documents the need for bio-fuel use in our country as well as globally.)  It is an exciting time for them to be sure! 

 Director Josh Tickell and his wife Rebecca Harrell in still from The Big Fix

My sister is having a fabulous time and we are having a great time as well with her son.  He and Xi are the same age and he's such a wonderful, full of energy and light little boy!  The kids are all getting along great.  I am so excited we have this time with him and so proud of my brother in law for his hard work and my sister for being so supportive of him when he was gone for days at a time working.  Go Keenans!

H made vampire teeth out of paper.  LOL!

 The garden is coming along as well.  Everything is growing and changing and blossoming.  I am in-love with it all!  We had our first tomato from the garden yesterday...yum!  Many more to come from looking at the plants!  Cucumbers are starting to get ready and we are picking beans like mad everyday.  I actually want to plant more.  We have had some raccoon trouble again though.  Not only did they destroy one of the raised beds, but we are down to 7 chickens..:(  They are coming before dark now, so if the chickens coop isn't closed up by about 7PM, it's curtains for one of them.  I need to restock the flock for sure!  We have plans to gate off another huge section for the goats and chickens to roam in, which will make cooping them easier as well as super reinforce the raccoon problem.  The creatures won't go around the goats, and with the goats in the same "yard" as the chickens, I think they will be good watchdogs.  We will still coop the chooks for sure and double reinforce all entrances.  Life on the farm is never dull!!

I also had a wonderful gift sent to me from my dear friend Michelle...a new-to-me camera!  My old digi is about 10 years on now, we got it before Farm Girl arrived!  Michelle gifted herself with a newer model and sent me her old one, that is fantastic!!!!  I'm in heaven and trying to learn all the many features.  I'd love to take a class to be honest, but time constraints kind of prevent that.  Maybe something online?  Hmmmm....  Anyway, I am so happy with the performance and ease of this new toy.  Thank you so much my dear!

Hope everyone is having a great Spring.  Summer is approaching fast and I'm looking forward to having Farm Girl here all day when school is out.  It's nice having them both around!

See you all soon!  Peace!