An Award...For Me?

I'm so excited!  Amy over at Kitchen Centsability, has bestowed the award on me and I'm very honored.  Thank you so much Amy!!  You should go check out her little space in the cyber world.  I found her through the Friday Blog Hop and am so happy I did!

The Rules for Acceptance of this Award are fairly simple:
My five words are:  Creativity, Family, Green, Joy and Life (although I do not identify myself or this blog with these words exclusively...there are many thoughts on this subject that will make for a post all on their own).

And now the hardest part...the 10 chosen ones.  I find so much inspiration from so many different places out there in cyberland.  So narrowing this list down to 10 is not easy and these are in no way exclusive.  But to stick with the rules, here goes:

If you haven't done so already, stop by these fabulous spaces and say hi.  While you are at it, just go down my blogroll, there are so many amazing sites with such talent, love and won't be disappointed.

